*The Teal Health Cervical Cancer Screening device is an Investigational Device and is currently under review with the US FDA.
No more stirrups, No more speculum.
The Teal Wand replaces the need for an in office pap smear using stirrups, a speculum and a hard plastic brush or broom. With self-collect, you are in control.
Clinical trial completed
The Teal Wand TM self-collect device was tested to run on the best and most sensitive screening tests - Primary HPV - at leading medical institutions across the US, in support of FDA review.
Accessible, Comfortable &
Easy to Use
1 in 4 US women are not up-to-date on their cervical cancer screening. Teal makes screening accessible and comfortable by making it easy to do from your home.
- 94% prefer it over an exam with a speculum
- 93% say it is easy or very easy to use
Designed by &
for women
Who better to fix women's health than those who have experienced its shortcomings first hand. We are determined to make it better - starting with cervical cancer screenings.