Real Talk Blog

94% of Women Prefer At-Home Cervical Cancer Screening—Here’s Why You Will Too

October 21, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • Teal Health's Teal Wand™ is preferred by 94% of women, offers a more convenient, comfortable alternative to in-office Pap smears, and has been submitted for FDA review
  • Despite cervical cancer being nearly 100% preventable with timely screenings, 1 in 4 women are currently behind due to many obstacles with the current in-clinic speculum exam (Pap smear)
  • Our commitment to designing for everybody is reflected in the diversity of our clinical trials, which include an inclusive representation of the US across race, ethnicity, age, income, and more.
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Let’s be honest, no one looks forward to getting a pap smear, even if you really like your doctor and think she is amazing.  That experience, coupled with finding an available doctor’s appointment and taking time off work to drive, wait, and have the visit is enough to delay screening for years. And that’s exactly what is happening today; close to 1 in 4 women are currently behind. But we’re going to change that.

At Teal Health, we’re doing something revolutionary. Today at the Hlth conference, we’ve announced that we’ve submitted to the FDA and shared results from our compiled report on our nationwide study which revealed that 94% of women – across all demographics, backgrounds, and locations – prefer at-home cervical cancer screening over traditional in-office Pap smears. Yes, you read that right—94%! Women across the country overwhelmingly expressed a desire for control, privacy, and comfort in their healthcare. And upon FDA approval you’ll have that option with the Teal Wand™ – we’re coming as fast as we can! 

Why is This So Important?

Cervical cancer is nearly 100% preventable when caught early. Yet, 1 in 4 women in the US are behind on their screenings. This isn’t because women don’t care about their health—it’s because of the barriers that many of us face, lack of time, discomfort with invasive speculum exams, or simply not having access to a doctor. Did you know that nearly half of U.S. counties don’t have a practicing OB-GYN? The gaps in access to healthcare are real.

But what do “barriers” mean to you? Personally, I don’t call them barriers…I call them Tommy and Charlie. They are fun, rambunctious, and frequently at the doctors - whether it's for Croup, Strep Throat, stitches, or a concussion. These boys are keeping us happy and busy. But what that also means, is that as a working mother, my care is often falling to the bottom of a very long to-do list. 

Kara Egan with son Charlie

Nancy can also relate. She’s a single mother raising two kids in a rural town, working just to make ends meet. With no OB-GYN nearby, getting time off for her own health feels impossible. She’s missed her last two Pap smears, even though she has insurance and knows how important they are. The Teal Wand could change everything for her—letting her screen at home, on her own time, without needing to travel or take time off work.

Maria is a woman who has another reason for avoiding the current screening experience. After experiencing traumatic childbirth, the thought of enduring another speculum exam is unbearable. Every visit to the doctor triggers anxiety and pain, making cervical cancer screenings something she avoids at all costs. But with the Teal Wand, Maria could finally take control of her health in a way that feels controlled and comfortable. No speculum, no pain—just an easy self-collection from the comfort of home.

At Teal Health, we’ve developed a comprehensive alternative that addresses the common reasons women delay their preventative health screenings. Our at-home device, the Teal Wand™, allows women to self-collect a sample in the privacy of their own home, on their schedule with the virtual support of medical experts along the way and through follow-up steps, if needed. 

No speculums, no waiting rooms, no stress. It’s a seamless end-to-end experience designed by women and for women.

What the SELF-CERV Study Told Us: A Breakthrough That’s Changing the Game

We recently completed our nationwide SELF-CERV study, enrolling over 600 women from diverse backgrounds. The results were overwhelming:

  • 94% of participants said they’d prefer to self-collect at home if they knew it was just as accurate as an in-office exam.
  • 93% found the Teal Wand easy or very easy to use—it’s quick, simple, and you’re done in minutes.
  • 86% would be more likely to stay up-to-date with routine cervical cancer screening if an at-home self-collecting option was available

These findings aren’t just statistics—they’re a call to action. Women want a better way, and Teal is delivering. View the full data report here. With the conclusion of the study, we compiled a comprehensive submission of our clinical data for review by the FDA, positioning the Teal Wand™ to become the first FDA-approved at-home cervical cancer screening device. After extensive clinical trials at 16 sites nationwide, we’ve met and exceeded every endpoint. And with the FDA’s Breakthrough Device Designation, we’re on an accelerated path to market.

This is a huge moment for women’s health. Once approved, the Teal Wand™ will allow women to take control of their cervical health with a convenient, accurate solution.

Designed for Women, With a Bold Vision for the Future

What sets Teal Health apart? It’s simple: we listened to women. From the very beginning, our mission has been about putting women first—designing a device that’s comfortable, easy to use, and seamlessly fits into their lives. Our commitment to diversity was central to this effort, as we made sure our clinical trials included a representative cross-section of the US population—considering race, ethnicity, gender, income, geography, and more. The result is a solution that works for every woman, no matter her background or access to healthcare. Because healthcare shouldn’t leave anyone behind, and neither will we.

But this is more than just a product—it’s a movement it's a movement towards designing healthcare for women. For too long, the healthcare system has failed to prioritize women’s unique needs. In fact, it wasn’t until 1993 that women were even required to be included in clinical trials! Teal Health is changing that. We’re working toward a future where every woman is included at every step and has easy access to healthcare and life-saving cervical cancer screenings—whether she’s living in a busy city or a rural community, earning a six-figure salary, or managing on minimum wage.

And we’re not stopping here. With the momentum of a $1.68 million SBIR grant from the National Cancer Institute, we’re accelerating development and clinical validation to meet the demand and bring the Teal Wand™ to women across the US. This funding strengthens our mission to reach every eligible woman, offering an accurate, accessible screening alternative that drives adherence and improves outcomes for all.

Join Us in Our Mission Towards Eradicating Cervical Cancer in The US

Teal Health is on a mission to make cervical cancer a thing of the past. It’s bold, but with the innovation of the Teal Wand and the passion of women everywhere, we know it’s within reach.

So, what’s next for you? Talk about it. Share this with your friends, your sisters, your coworkers. Together, we can start the conversation that will save lives. Follow Teal Health’s journey at and sign up to be the first to know when the Teal Wand™ is available.

Thank you for trusting us with your health. We’re designing for you, and together, we can make history in eradicating cervical cancer in the US. 

Kara Egan

CEO, Teal Health

Kara Egan
CEO & Co-Founder

As a CEO and mother of two, caring for an aging parent with dementia, Kara is driven to create solutions that value a woman’s time. She leads a passionate team at Teal Health, on a mission to develop a more equitable and accessible future for women’s healthcare, starting with cervical cancer screening. Kara has spent her career at the intersection of healthcare and technology, as a health tech investor (.406 Ventures), a software investor (Emergence Capital), and an operator at tech companies (Zendesk). She earned her BS in Management Science and Engineering at Stanford University, her MBA from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and is a Kauffman Fellow.

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